I'm an Indian he/him currently living in San Francisco.

Born and raised in New Delhi, India, I've always had a passion for computers, art, and asking a lot of questions.

Fast forward to 2017, I had completed my undergraduate degree in computer science and engineering, which naturally introduced me to the world of user interface, design systems, product and everything in between.

By 2018, I had already started my master's in human-centered design & engineering and joined Credible as a product design intern in the summer of 2019.

Today, I am a staff product designer at Credible, leading our retention, mortgage, and insurance experience, along with a bunch of other things.

In my spare time, I love listening to music (mostly of this kind), cooking food (mostly everything, but I'm best at Indian), going down the rabbit hole of YouTube videos (discovering gems like this), and reading (mostly books like these).

© Ayush Sharma, 2024. Font set in Wix Madefor, icons from Phosphoricons

© Ayush Sharma, 2024. Font set in Wix Madefor, icons from Phosphoricons

© Ayush Sharma, 2024. Font set in Wix Madefor, icons from Phosphoricons